Tuesday, February 19, 2008

What Katie Wants She Gets!!

His name is Boston but Chase calls him bubbas, I call him dumb ass!


Katie said...

I think he is absolutely adorable. Is he really dumb?
Erin used to have one of these guys and he was a humper.

I think Boston is adorable. Send him back to NH! I want him!
He must be a chick magnet though!

Kelli said...

Wow!! Greg w/ Boston & Chase...can you say CHICK MAGNET?!?!?!?

Cute dog...Jeannie wants one of those. She likes the kind that drool! haha!

Mary S. said...

Cute dog,all dogs are dumb-asses though! You are all domesticated! A kid and a dog!How cute!

Erin said...

we had a bulldog, and he actually looks a lot like boston. matt loved him so much but honestly, i thought he was a weirdo. katie can attest to that!

Tressa said...

cute dog

Katie said...

If Katie wants what she gets then I DEMAND a new post or Boston is mincemeat!

get this g.d. word verification off your blog please...Katie says so!!!

Mary S. said...

Happy Birthday! 21 right???

Kelli said...

Sorry, couldn't help it, in fact I don't even know where I pulled that from!
Happy Birthday Greg!!!

Mary S. said...

OMG,Kelli where did that come from??? Poor Greg, now the people in Vegas will know his dorky childhood nickname! I am still stunned, I totally forgot about that, I bet Greg wishes you did too!
I am still PMP!


Where are you???????????