Friday, February 29, 2008

Thank You to everyone who wished me a happy bday!!!

And thank you kelli! lol Hickbob!! Here is my new tattoo it means "No Regrets"

I miss everyone and I will be home soon!! I'm planning a summer trip with Chase, I cant wait!!



a summer trip sounds great!! We will be looking forward to it!
love ya, kim

Katie said...


Happy Bday! STUD!

Mary S. said...

That will be cool to meet Chase.

Cool tattoo! Looks very painful!

Unknown said...

I love the new tattoo. Did it hurt alot? I'm excited you're come home, I'll probably be in Texas when you're here but I'm planning a trip out there very soon, Love you!

Katie said...

Don't be fooled...your tattoo means "wax on, wax off"

I am fluent in yapanese!

Katie said...

oh sorry, after i consulted wing-wong (my friend from china who is an illegal alien and works at the market as a bagger) he said it actually means

"me wike won ton...vewy much"

that tattoo artist may want to look into some lasik eye surgery.

Kelli said...

Ignore Katie, they changed her meds.

Mary S. said...

I think she must be off her meds! I am PMP though!

Katie said...

forget that medication crap
i'm gonna go postal if you don't update soon

Kelli said...

Greg, you don't want her going postal...she's scary enough w/ words alone! Post please and don't open up any suspicious packages! haha

Nana said...

Greg where are you ? We want to see more of you and Chase .Love you

Katie said...

scratch that...wing wong says it means "I am a bad blogger"