Friday, February 8, 2008

"No Country For Old Men"

Went to this movie with mom and dad last night and it wasn't very good. The movie was good throughout then the last 10 minutes lost me. Was pissed I sat through it and it ended like that. Needless to say I don't reccomend it. We got home and watched Jackass 2 dad loved it and almost puked LOL!!! Mom wants to see the first one now. We're going out tonight so vegas watch out for Harry and Barbs!!!



lol ma be careful and dont do anything i wouldnt do!! hurry home we miss u have you checked my blog.....
ps remove the word verification its a pain

Katie said...

Hey Greg!

I didn't know Auntie B and Uncle Harry were out in Vegas. I'm sure they are tearing up the town!
You know what movie I love? Showgirls!
Take some pics of your parents out on the town! Oh and LOL about your Dad almost puking at Jackass!

Kelli said...

Have fun Auntie Barbara & Uncle Harry! Wish I was there too!
Let's have a family reunion in Vegas~it'll never be the same place again!!! ;)

Love you all!