Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter!!

Sorry I've been a bad blogger. Hope everyone had a Happy Easter. We went to the pony rides, Chase loves ponies.


Jemmmma said...

Happy Easter! Keep blogging, Chase is beautiful!

Lisa said...

Hope you had a nice easter, chase is adorable...I am so jealous you guys got to spend easter outside!!! Love, Lisa

Kelli said...

Yay...he's back!
Hope you had a nice Easter. It's so cute to see you as a Daddy! I can't wait to see it for real! Aren't you coming home w/ Chase for a visit this summer? I hope so!
Take care!

Nana said...

ABOUT TIME Happy Easter to all.We are so jealous of the weather.Give Chase a big kiss from Nana +Papa Love you .


omg you are back!! awesome pics of chase she is getting so big!! cant wait to see her!!
love u xoxo

Mary S. said...

It is snowing again here today, I am so jealous that you have sunshine!
She is adorable! Looks like a fun day!

Auntie Paula said...

Hey it's Auntie Paula. Chase is adorable I can't wait to see you guys hope you can come home for the summer let me know so I can come to see you. love you miss you
Auntie Paula

Katie said...

merry christmas!